Saturday 3 March 2012

Outfit Throwbacks

What I wore to work one day...And yes, I wore sweatpants to work.  Haha.
  • Denim button up - American Apparel
  • Men's white tank - H&M (Boyfriend's)
  • Cropped charcoal sweatpants - street shopping in S. Korea (approx. $5CAD!!)
  • Penny loafer flats - street shopping in S. Korea (approx. $7CAD!!)

If I remember correctly, I didn't actually wear this outfit out.  The dress is way too short to wear on its own in my opinion =(.  I think I'll be tucking it into skirts this spring.
  • Black felt hat - H&M
  • Floral sundress - street shopping in Bangkok (approx. $7CAD!)
  • Handmade metal bracelets - various street shops in Seoul, Korea.
  • Brown satchel - street shopping in S. Korea
  • Grey flip flops - Havianas
I noticed that I had a ton of older outfit pics on my phone, which is the reason for this post.  I thought I'd share them with you all!  I'll post some more tomorrow, I just didn't want to bombard you all with pictures.  Also!  Methinks I'll be converting to solid borders on photos.  =)

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!



  1. love love love the first outfit, you have great style xx

    1. Thank you! Don't forget to follow if you already haven't! =)

      <3 <3

  2. LOOOOOOOVE the floral dress!! im in love with floral prints!! you have great style:) im hitting the follow button!!!!

    Come check me out when you can :)

    Diana xxx
